Paintings > Pocket Rothko's

PR 3
PR 3

Pocket Rothko Series - Special Art A Whirl 25th Anniversary editions of paintings on panel. Just a little 'pop' of color where you need it!

Approximate dimensions vary but the big ones are about 7" x 9" and the smaller ones are about 6.5" x 7".
Edges are painted with complementary colors as seen in the side view photos. The final studio view photo shows the orientation of the pieces (top is on top) but you can place them any way you like.

Prices -
Big = $75
Small = $65
Flat fee including tax. Shipping is extra but pickup is free!

Super cheap, right? I have more in process.

Be sure to check out the rest of my work online via my website

Happy Art A Whirl!!!
Kyle Fokken Artist LLC

Casket Arts Studio #120 (east side of building next to parking lot on 17th and Madison)
681 17th Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55412
Image may contain: outdoor